
Why Did Michael Travel to the Future in Supacell? What Instigated Him?

The Movie Supacell is no doubt one of the tending movie currently on Netflix. The Movie is a mix of action and emotion. There were scenes where i wanted to cry. In the movie, Michael Lasak, who is the main character, discovers that he has super ability that could make him rewind time and even travel to the future.

But that gift and ability came at a cost. He lost his fiancé Dionne whom he loved so much and that completely changed him. We can see in the ending part of season 1 that he is now filled with rage and wanted revenge.

He sort to travel to the future. If you’re among those wondering why he wants travel to the future, then you’re in the right page. 

Why Did Michael Travel to the Future in Supacell?

In the final episode of supacell, we see a fierce battle between the hoodie led by Krazy and Michael’s team, this battle was what led to the death of Dionne. Krazy wanted to shoot Michael, but unfortunately, the bullet hit Dionne who was hiding inside a car and she died. 

In the ending scene, we see that Michael plans on traveling to the future. Below are the reasons why Michael traveled to the future. 

1. Grief’s Desperation

If you’ve seen the movie, then you’d agree that Michael was devastated at the death of Dionne. He loved her and all he wanted was to save her, but it turned out that his efforts didn’t pay off. He even wanted to rewind time and save her but it didn’t work.

His inability to save her fuels his desperation. He is now looking for a way to travel to the future to rewrite the past and save her.

Personally, I don’t think that will be possible, there’s nothing he can do about it, changing the past or future can have some serious consequences. 

2. Rage for Justice

The death of Dionne changed Michael. I mean look at his countenance at the ending of the final season, you could see rage and bitterness.

One of the reason for traveling to the future was because he wanted revenge for the death of Dionne. By traveling to the future he’d get information about the agency that wanted to capture them, and thereafter he would return back to the present, look for them, and avenge the death of Dionne

3. To Prevent Further Casualties

Another reason why Michael traveled to the future was because he didn’t didn’t want what happened to Dionne to happen to any of his team.

He wanted to end the constant threat, and do that he’d have put an end to Victoria, Ray, and their agents who are a constant threat to them, and what better to achieve it if not by traveling to the future and knowing who their enemies are.

What Michael Hopes to Achieve in the Future?

Beyond the emotional need to save Dionne, Michael’s decision to travel to the future might have strategic goals.

1. Gathering Information

One thing Michael hope to achieve when he travels to the future is to gather as much information he can get about  Victoria, Ray, and their agents. 

Information like their plan, their resources and even their weakness, can put Michael and his them a step ahead and equip them in case they’re been attacked, in a nutshell, it will protect Michael and his team. 

2. Gaining an Advantage

Traveling to the future can give him greater advantage. He could ask question from his future self, learn and even master his abilities or even acquire other ability he has that he is not aware of.

He could also know what will happen in the future, that way he can be ready and know the possible course of action, this will be to the supaell team’s advantage. 

What Will Michael Find in the Future?

Even though there they haven’t told us in the movie what Michael will find in the future, but they’ve been speculations and theory as to what he will find in the future.

One of such theory is that Michael will learn more and have in depth knowledge about his power, and that of other people with abilities, he might uncovering a hidden history linked to ancient civilizations. Traveling to the future might enable him meet and discover people that he didn’t know existed with special abilities too.

There’s a another theory that suggest that Michael might encounter a powerful rivalry, and this person might even have the ability to control or even nullify his power. I personally think this could happen in the season 2 of Supacell.

There another theory that suggest that Michael might encounter someone that will lead and guide him. This person will be like a mentor that will teach him the way forward. Some fan say that this mentor figure could be his future self.

Unforeseen Consequences: The Risks of Altering the Timeline

Just like any other science fiction movie before supacell, there’s always this risk of altering the timeline when someone travels to the past or future, we can see it in a lot of movies, and i think it’ll be the same with Supacell.

There’s an extent Michael would go in time and it’ll have some impact on reality.  Below are some of the possible outcomes of time travel:

1. Altering the Timeline

This is one consequence of time travel, there could be an alteration of timeline, which could have a negative impact on reality.

We not do know what will happen when Michael goes to the future as it wasn’t shown in the season 1 of the movie, however, one wrong move from Michael could greatly impact reality

2. Loss of Control 

You know one thing I found about Michael is that he can be very emotional sometimes and that could make him do things he isn’t supposed to do.

He might find himself in a situation where he gets all emotional or even loses control and gets angry. Remember he’s still grieving the loss of Dionne.

Will Michael Encounter Alternate Versions of Himself or His Teammates?

Yes, I strongly believe he will encounter his alternative version of himself and his teammate. I mean the last time he traveled to the future, he encountered them, so it’s safe to say that he’ll encounter himself and his teammate this time.

In fact i think his future self will play an important role on how successful he’d be with getting the information he needs when he travels to the future. The future self might be the mentor that will uncover all the secret and knowledge he’s need to defeat Victoria, Ray, and their agents.


I would say that Michael’s decision to travel to the future in Supacell is a  very complex one. There are certain factors in place here, emotions, anger, revenge etc. They all contribute to why he is traveling to the future. But if we look to the bright side, Micheal’s traveling to the future could be important if he and his team were to face Victoria and Ray, and possible avert the threat that they posse.

But just like we said in the article, there could be some risks with traveling to the future. Michael could alter time, which could have some negative impact on reality, or he might get all emotional and make a wrong decision which also could have a negative impact.

But if you ask me, i think the advantage are more than the disadvantages, I mean gets to travel to the future and get some useful information, he could learn a lot from his future self and be better.


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