Why Did Master Chief kill the Arbiter? What Made Him Do it?

Why Did Master Chief kill the Arbiter? In the sprawling universe of Halo, a legendary clash between two warriors continues to spark debate. Master Chief, humanity’s champion, and the Arbiter, a disgraced Elite commander, found themselves on opposite sides of a galactic war.

But what led to their ultimate confrontation, and why did the Master Chief’s actions leave such a lasting impact? This analysis delves into the events that unfolded, separating fact from fiction to uncover the truth behind the Arbiter’s demise.

Why Did Master Chief kill the Arbiter?

In the Halo universe, Master Chief and the Arbiter are usually allies fighting a common enemy. However, there are situations where they end up on opposing sides.

This can happen because the Arbiter, as an Elite, has a duty to the Covenant. The Covenant sees humanity as a threat, which puts the Arbiter at odds with Master Chief’s mission to protect humanity. In these situations, the Arbiter becomes an enemy that Master Chief may have to fight.

It’s important to note that these clashes are due to their factions being at war, not because of personal animosity between Master Chief and the Arbiter.

Covenant vs. Humanity

The Covenant interpreted humanity’s presence as an affront to their religion and a threat to their destiny. Here’s why:

1. Misunderstood Prophecy

The Covenant believed they were the Forerunners’ chosen inheritors. Humanity’s involvement contradicted their core beliefs.

2. Secrecy and Power

The Covenant leadership feared the truth – that humanity were the Forerunners’ rightful heirs – would dismantle their control.

This clash of ideologies ignited a brutal galactic war. Humanity, vastly outnumbered and outgunned, fought desperately for survival.

Arbiter Betrayal: What Caused it?

There seems to be some confusion about the Arbiter’s loyalties in the Halo universe. While the Arbiter, Thel ‘Vadamee, initially clashed with humanity’s champion, Master Chief, it wasn’t an act of betrayal. Here’s the breakdown:

The Arbiter belonged to the Covenant, a powerful alien alliance with a distorted religious view. They worshipped the Forerunners, an extinct race, and believed activating Forerunner artifacts would grant them god-like power. When humanity stumbled upon a Forerunner ringworld, the Covenant saw them as heretics interfering with their divine destiny. This ignited a brutal war.

Thel ‘Vadamee, a high-ranking Elite warrior, served the Covenant faithfully. He viewed humanity as enemies according to his religious beliefs and military duty. However, through his experiences fighting the Master Chief and witnessing the Covenant’s ruthless tactics, Thel ‘Vadamee discovered the truth – the Covenant leadership was manipulating their faith. 

This revelation shattered his world view. Stripped of his rank and branded an Arbiter, a title traditionally given to shamed warriors for suicide missions, Thel ‘Vadamee became an instrument of the very leadership he now despised. But fate intervened.

Thel ‘Vadamee, betrayed by the Covenant, found himself fighting alongside the Master Chief against a greater threat – the parasitic Flood. This unlikely alliance became instrumental in saving the galaxy. So, while Thel ‘Vadamee and Master Chief started on opposing sides, his journey led him to become a crucial ally in humanity’s fight for survival.


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