Why Did Feyd Rautha Kiss His Uncle? What Led to This?

Remember the cruel ruler, the Baron Harkonnen, and his nephew, equally tough and maybe nuttier, Feyd-Rautha? Well, this really strange scene takes place in the movie “Dune 2” (surely the 1984 one) in which Feyd-Rautha plants a kiss on his uncle! Was that some messed-up family love?

Is it a way to assert dominance? Or is it something much, much darker? Let’s dig into just how weird the Harkonnens are and Feyd-Rautha’s power plays to find out why this creepy kiss happened.

Why Did Feyd Rautha Kiss His Uncle?

First, it could be this really odd form of respect between two brutal men, or even maybe this is some sort of mockery from Feyd-Rautha of the power of his uncle. Or maybe this is Feyd-Rautha’s way of saying, “I am coming for your place,” but bringing a huge power play as a hello.

The kiss also highlights the twisted and manipulative nature of the Harkonnens. The Baron uses his charm and influence to control those around him, including his own family members. By kissing his uncle, Feyd-Rautha demonstrates his willingness to conform to the Baron’s expectations and maintain the family’s power structure.

This scene showcases the dark and complex relationships within the Harkonnen family, where loyalty and ambition are often tied to deceit and betrayal.

The reason behind the kiss, however, lends itself to interpretation; most probably, it is to show how weird and brutal the Harkonnens are. Or maybe it was just meant to be that one shocking moment everybody in the theater will be talking about. The reason is beside the point; it is a scene that one does not forget long after the credits have.

How the Kiss Reveals His True Intentions

Feyd-Rautha’s kiss on his uncle’s cheek would be seen as a mark of loyalty, but it was actually a reveal, his intention and ambition.

By kissing his uncle, Feyd-Rautha showed just how far he was prepared to go in attaining power and control within the Harkonnen family.

He signals his uncle that he is ready for more elevated responsibility and is ready to undergo a proper subjection to his authority as long as he can attain what he wants to achieve.

Final Thoughts

Feyd-Rautha kissing his uncle is one of those strange moments from “Dune 2.” Power play gone wrong, screwy attempt at familial affection, or just for shock value—one thing can be sure: it’s a moment that sticks out.

This act just about sums up the delusional Harkonnen family where loyalty and love take a seat to ambition and cruelty.


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