
Why Did Aemond Targaryen Kill Lucerys Velaryon? What Instigated Him?

The Movie House of Dragon is among one of my best series currently. Have you seen Game of Throne? Well the House of Dragon is an incident that happened before game of the throne. It talks about the internal war between the Targerian that led to their down fall. In the movie, Aemond Targaryen killed Lucerys Velaryon, but what really was the motive behind that? Find out in this amazing piece.

The Targaryen Civil War: The Dance of the Dragons

The Dance of the Dragons was fought by rival Targaryen factions for control over King’s Landing and Westeros, between those faithful to either the Rhaenyra or Aegon II. 

The division of the realm emerged from a dispute over succession after the death of their father King Viserys I, and was fuelled by rivalries rooted in psychological principles, prejudice as well as competing claims on the Iron Throne.

Key Figures

Below are the key figures:

1. Rhaenyra Targaryen: She was the Daughter of King Viserys I and  was the one that actual promised to the ruler of the seven kingdom.

2. Aegon II: He he the son of the second wife of King Viserys I, Alicent. He was crowned king due to some misunderstanding of  King Viserys I  speech on his death bed

3. Aemond Targaryen: He is Aegon II’s younger brother, the one that  Lucerys Velaryon accidentally took off one of his eye and he was the one that killed Lucerys Velaryon 

4. Lucerys Velaryon: He is Rhaenyra’s second son, he was killed by Aemond Targaryen while reading on a dragon

The Personal Feud Between Aemond and Lucerys

Aemond and Lucerys had always enmity with each other since their childhood. Due to a scuffle between Lucerys and his brothers, Aemond lost an eye from the failed assassination attempt and held enmity against him. 

An incident that caused him both physical and emotional scars, it was a moment of personal humiliation for Aemond as well as an ignition to his desire for vengeance.

The Incident at Storm’s End

Aemond clashed with Lucerys at Storm’s End, the stronghold of House Baratheon and his claim to power fighting against another house as opposed to a Targaryen. They head off to encourage Lord Borros Baratheon, for both of their sides.

The meeting quickly ceded to a confrontation, where Aemond sneered at Lucerys and demanded he would pay for his lost eye. For all the animosity, Lucerys was making an effort to depart without incident.

Why Did Aemond Targaryen Kill Lucerys Velaryon?

You know the problem between Aemond Targaryen  and Lucerys Velaryon began when they were little . If you’ve seen the season on of the movie, then you notice that when they were very small, Lucerys Velaryon made Aemond Targaryen loose one of his eyes, but it was by accident, it wasn’t intentional, plus they were just kids.

But that didn’t matter to Aemond Targaryen, he haboured that anger in his heart and wanted vengeance. If you’ve the seen the movie, you’ll noticed  that he always sort for vengeance any small opportunity he had even while they were small.So one of the reasons why Aemond Targaryen killed Lucerys Velaryon was becuase of the he wanted vengeance and hated Lucerys Velaryon for making him loose his eyes

What happened was that Rhaenyra Targaryen, sent her son Lucerys Velaryon was to look seek for the support of the house of House Baratheon. Aemond Targaryen saw the perfect opportunity to take his revenge, so he went after  Lucerys Velaryon. Both of them were riding their dragons, but Aemond Targaryen Dragon Vhagar was much bigger than Lucerys Velaryon dragon, Arrax. Vhagar attacked  Lucerys Velaryon and Arrax, they both got killed.

Another reason why Aemond Targaryen killed Lucerys Velaryon was because there was a political conflict that led to civil war  known as the Dance of the Dragons

The Impact of the Death of Lucerys Velaryon on the Ongoing War

The death of Lucerys Velaryon  had effect on the war, i mean Daemon Targaryen was so furious that he paid people to assasinate Aemond Targaryen, but lucky for him, they didn’t see him, so they murdered Aegon II son, now that even made the war worst.

Also Rhaenyra was so sad that she became even more determine to win the throne after the death of Lucery.

The war became more intence at his death, both side now sort ir revenge.in fact, Aegon II ssent one of his guard to assassinate Rhaenyra, but thankfully, the plan wasn’t successful. 

Impact on Alliances

Also the death of  Lucerys had some level of impact on alliance, because Rhaenyra was later supported  by House Velaryon because of that incident.

The incident also made people to sympathize with Rhaenyra which won her a lot of people, many of the houses joined to support her cause. 

Impact on Aemond’s Fate

The death of Lucery also impacted Aemond. In one of the scene, he admitted that he regretted his action and he never meant for things to happened the way it did. Also by killing Lucery, he now become a target for revenge, he isn’t safe any more. 

Also his brother who is  Aegon II, see him as the cause of his child’s death. To some extent he is right, because if Aemond hadn’t killed Lucery, there might not be any need for an assassin, and probably Aegon II son will still be alive. 

The Long-Term Effects on Westeros

The fact is the death of Lucerys Velaryon contributed immensely to how serious and deadly the war became. 

The war wasn’t that serious until the death of  Lucerys, it changed everything. This war and vengence had some negative impact on Westeros. Westeros was now a den of war and chaos. 


The main reason why  Aemond Targaryen killed Lucerys Velaryon was for vengance, he wanted to avenge what Lucerys Velaryon did to him which was taking off his eyes. Although Aemond Targaryen had admitted that he didn’t mean to kill  Lucerys, but the did had aleady been done.

That single act had a lasting effect as it led to some series of negative impact on both side. It had impact on the westero, on Aemond Targaryen himself and the war in general. Another was because of the ongoing civil war that was going on between the  Targarians.


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