
Does Krazy Have Powers in Supacell?

You know when I found out that Krazy has super abilities and was part of the hooded figure I was surprised. To be honest, I thought he was just a regular gangster that relied on his gun and gang member. Turns out he is more than that.

He is a leader of the faceless hoodies and like others, he has power. His power is unique, one of a kind, he even said it himself when he was brought back to the facility and been treated from the knife stab he got from Michael. If you want to know what power Krazy has, then this page of for you.

Does Krazy Have Powers in Supacell?

You know one character that really surprised me in the supacell movie is Krazy. His ability is like no other. His ability is power absorption. He can steal or absorb any power. If a person is super strong and the person come in contact with Krazy, he can steal that power and he’ll be as strong as that person, it doesn’t matter the ability, as long as it comes in contact with him, he can absorb it and have that same ability. 

A typical example where Krazy displayed this power was in the final episode of season one when he touched one of his members, I mean the hoodies, the guy that generate fire. The moment Krazy touched him, he was able to generate fire too .

The same thing happened when Rodney had contact with him. Krazy became super fast that he murdered Michael’s team. Thanks to Micheal for his ability. He rewind time and was able to stop Krazy to murdering them again.

So Krazy ability is unique and deadly. He can basically do any or everything. He can be fast, he can be strong, he can be invisible and he can even manipulate time.  All he just need is to get in contact with someone with that ability and he can replicate it. This makes him a dangerous opponent.

The Significance of Power Absorption: A Strategic Advantage

The fact that Krazy can steal anyone’s ability make him a formidable opponent and a dangerous one too. This is one of the reason why Michael and his team are afraid of him when they found out what he could do.

He is unpredictable. One minute he’s strong, another minute is fast and another minute he can fly, now that’s someone anybody should be afraid of.

One thing I’ve learned from Krazy’s power is that it highlights an important theme in the Movie itself. Unlike others with super abilities, Krazy relies on stealing people’s own. This is just what’s happing today in the world, power is taken 

The Limits of Krazy’s Power

Yeah it’s true that Krazy is a formidable and dangerous one opponent, but he has some limitations too. The first limitation is that the power he absorbs or steal doesn’t last long. It’s only temporal.

And from what I saw from the movie, he can’t absorb multiple abilities or power, he can only absorb one at a time, for a short duration. So that means after that duration, he vulnerable, without any power. He has to get in contact with someone with abilities to have powers again. Now that is a limitation.

Also, since this power is not his, he could have a hard time using them. I mean think about all the time it took for this individual to master and know how to use their powers. Krazy will have a hard time knowing how to go about using them, especially if it a complicated or complex power.

Another limitation is  that he will have a hard time knowing which power to absorb when he is around multiple people with different abilities, this could be a problem.  He’ll definitely get confused. There are different level of abilities, some abilities are more powerful than others. So what happens when he comes in contact with an ability that can’t defend him?

What Really is Krazy’s Motivations?

Yeah it’s true that Krazy is dangerous because of his power and all of that, but what really is his motivation? This one hard question to answer. We don’t know if it’s personal gain, or justice or something else entirely.

My take is that as the Movie goes on, we’ get the full picture and maybe get to know the reason behind his motive.

I do not know if he’s still alive or not in the movie, but at the final episode of season when he was brought back to the facility after been stabbed, we saw that the guard went inside where he was and there was a gun fire. Not sure if he died or not, we’ll find out in the next season. Will he change later in the future and become better or will he still remain the antagonist that he is?

Will Krazy Appear in Season 2 of Supacell?

I hope he does! Krazy help give the movie suspense and action. For me, i think his character is necessary. As to if Krazy will appear in season 2 of supacell, I can’t say for sure, but it seem that Krazy was shot by one of the guard at the final episode of season one.

We don’t know if he died from the shot or not. In the season we’ll know if died or not, but i do hope he doesn’t die.


Krazy is one formidable opponent and his Power to absorb other people’s abilities makes him even more dangerous as we can see from the movie when stole  Rodney’s power and kills Michael’s team, Thanks for Michael’s ability to rewind time.

Apart from having this ability, Krazy is cunning and deceitful, I mean the way he hid his ability without even showing a trait that he has power is remarkable, for someone who is drunk with power and is into gangster life, i was expecting him to show off his power at every opportunity he has, but he didn’t.

Krazy’s power comes with some limitations though, and we treated that in this article. I personally love his character in the movie and hope that he’ll be back in season 2 of Supacell.


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