
Does Dionne Die in Supacell? What Really Happened?

The talk about movie right now is the Netflix superhero series “Supacell”. I’ve seen the movie personally and I would say it’s a really interesting movie. The Movie is about same black group of people from London who for some reason developed super abilities because one or two of their parents had sickle cell disease.

Does Dionne Die in Supacell

The ending part of Supacell was really dramatic and sad. I mean Dionne was shot at by Krazy and that left her boyfriend devastated. I felt really bad for him. I mean all his efforts of trying to save her her and that happened.

Well that’s by the way, a lot of people wanna know if Dionne really died in the movie or not. If you among those curious about this, then you’re in the right page.

Lets Look at What Happen in Supacell Finale

Okay, let’s do a little recap on what really happened in supercell final episode. In the final episode, there was a bit of a battle between the hooded figures led by Krazy and the supacell team led by Michael, the guy that can freeze time and travel back to the Future. This hooded figure led by Krazy are brutal, they basically capture other people that have super abilities.

At the ending part of season 1, Krazy was heavily wounded wounded and thrown to the ground. Now Krazy told the super cell team that he could create a portal that could take them to the facility where other people with super abilities like them were kept. He even told Tazer, the guy that could go invisible about his mom and how she died. 

He told them he has a device in his back pocket that could open a portal and take them to the facility. Well they believed him and as Rodney wanted to reach out inside Krazy’s pocket to get the device, Krazy stole his power. Now Krazy has an ability to copy other people’s ability. Who ever he touches that had ability, he could manipulate or steal their power. 

So when Rodney touched him, Krazy became super fast. He got a knife and with fast speed, killed all of them. It was only Micheal that was didn’t die. Krazy was going to harm Dionne, who was Michael’s girlfriend, but Michael used his ability to rewind time to the the moment where Krazy was unconscious and on the ground. This time around, he knew exactly what was going to happen, so he took a knife and stabbed Krazy.

Krazy was unconscious, and he managed to grab a gun very close to him and shot at Micheal. But Rodney was fast enough, he ran fast and moved Micheal from Krazy aiming point, the bullet didn’t hit Micheal, but unfortunately, it hit Dionne who was in a car. She was fatally wounded. For some reason, Micheal was unable to rewind time this time. We saw in the Movie that he tried, but it didn’t work 

Does Dionne Die in Supacell?

Yes, Dionne dies did in Supacell. This is sad because Dionne is one amazing character in the movie, especially since she is one person who is always encouraging Michael in the movie. In the ending part of season one, we can see that Krazy shot at Michael, but Rodney who is fast, moves Michael from Krazy’s aim and unfortunately, the bullet hit Dionne who was in her car. 

Micheal was devastated, and ran to her to save her by rewinding time, but it didn’t work. We know she died because, in the next scene after the incident, we see Michael and other super cell, but this time Michael isn’t that cheerful, simple looking man he was. 

He had changed and you could see the hatred all over his face because of death of Dionne. He was now vengeful and he sort to go to the future and take revenge on who killed Dionne

In the season 1 finale, during a final confrontation with the villains, a stray bullet hits Dionne while she’s in a car. Michael, drained from using his time-rewinding powers, is unable to save her. Her death is a major turning point for the series, pushing the characters towards revenge and a darker path in season 2.

The Aftermath: Grief, Vengence, and Uncertainty

From what I’ve seen from the movie, the death of Dionne will have great impact on the supacell member, especially Micheal. I mean if you look at the ending part of the movie, you’d notice that it was different Micheal all together. 

And even when he traveled to the future at the beginning of the movie and i saw his future self, you’d notice that his future self was different. You can see the sadness in his eyes, the death of Dionne has had some impact on him and I’ll say it’s not a good impact

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