
Why Did Daemon Targaryen Kill His Wife? What Caused It

So why did Daemon Targaryen kill his wife? i know a lot of fans are confuse and shocked when Daemon Targaryen murdered his wife, but what really made him do it ? If you want to find out, then this page will help, Read through

Who Was Daemon Targaryen’s Wife in House of the Dragon?

So Lady Rhea Royce was the wife of Daemon Targaryen in House of the Dragon. She was this sort of independent woman from the a noble house in the Vale of Arryn. She was in influential, she was the Lady of Runestone, if you’ve seen House of the Dragon, then you’ll understand what this mean, she manages and control a large area in the Vale

Daemon was married to her, and as much as we know of Daemon, he wasn’t entirely a good and honest person. He never loved Lady Rhea Royce. There were occasion where he spoke poorly of her, sometimes complaining about how unhappy he was in the marriage. Lady Rhea Royce was a tough lady, and even though there was tension in her marriage, she never let it get to her.

There marriage wasn’t entirely a romantic one, they barely spent time together, Daemon was mostly away from her. This even made matters worst. with time, you could see the coldness in their relationship

Why Did Daemon Targaryen Kill His Wife?

As we’ll know, Daemon Targaryen is a pretty ambitious person, Although the show doesn’t explicitly tell us the reason why Daemon Targaryen killed his wife, but we’ve listed out possible reasons and factor that made Daemon Targaryen kill his wife

1. He Didn’t Love Her

One of the possible reason why Daemon Targaryen killed his Rhea Royce could be that he never loved her. It was more like an arranged marriage and he was looking for a way to get off it.

There are scenario in the show where he spoke badly of her. So my guess is that he grew tired of the marriage because it was never from love, and the only way get away from it was to kill her, I’m not surprised thought, Daemon Targaryen can literally so anything as long as it gets on his way

2. Political Ambition

Another possible reason why Daemon Targaryen killed his wife Rhea Royce, could be because of his ambition to ascend the iron throne. It is true that Rhea Royce is from wealthy and influential family , but she didn’t have the capacity to make him achieve his ambition of ascending the iron throne.

His marriage to Rhea Royce was no doubt a move for strategic alliance, but the problem now is that, it doesn’t seem to be serving Daemon’s ambitions no longer, so he thought the best option was to kill her, so he could look for other options

3. Jealousy of Rhaenyra

Another reason because Daemon seems to have feelings for Rhaenyra,, who happens to be the heir to the iron throne. It actually strange because Rhaenyra happens to be his niece, but in the show, she sometimes have sexual activities with, he kissed her and even slept with her.

So it could be that it was because of he had romantic feelings for her that made him kill his wife. And don’t forget that Rhaenyra was the heir to the throne, so he knew getting married to her will increase his chances of ascending the iron throne, and the only person preventing him from achieving all of this was Rhea, so he killed her.

How Did Daemon Targaryen Kill His Wife?

The way Daemon Targaryen killed his wife Lady Rhea Royce was really brutal, and it shocked everyone. What happened was that we saw that Rhea out hunting in the Vale, and there come’s Daemon. They had some conversation between them, Lady Rhea Royce tried to reach out for her bow and arrow when Daemon Targaryen intercepted her by pushing her horse

She fell with her house and was severely injured, and unable to move. It was at this movement that he moved to her and instead of helping her,, he gave he the final blow. Although we don’t see exactly when she died, the show didn’t show it, but impliedly, it shows that he killed her

The Impact of Rhea Royce’s Death on the Targaryen Family

it’s not doubt the death of Rhea Royce had impact on the Targaryen Family. For instance her death gave Daemon Targaryen the freedom he needed. I mean he was now free from the marriage he didn’t want and the woman he didn’t love. With this, he was able to pursue his ambition

Another impact the death of Rhea had on the Targaryen Family was that it cause some tension among them. People from outside their the Targaryen Family began to suspect that it was Daemon that killed her, even some members of the Targaryen Family started to suspect him. It was easy to suspect him because people knew he was dangerous.

Her Death Negatively impacted the alliance between he Targaryens and House Royce, it affected both them politically. After from the fact they suspected him of killing, he had no respect for her amily or the Vale

Fan Reactions to Daemon Targaryen’s Wife’s Murder

Fans were definitely surprised, i mean he killed his own wife, it’s crazy.

Fans of House of the Dragon had strong reactions to Daemon Targaryen killing his wife, Rhea Royce. Something that really shocked many viewers was just how ruthless Daemon could be, as while the show had given the impression that he didn’t like Rhea at all, few people expected him to murder her. That moment has divided fans so far in debate over Daemon’s character and what his true motivations are.

In the thoughts of some fans, the action revealed the dark side of Daemon, showing he would stop at nothing till he got what he wanted. Others are taken aback by how quickly he resorts to laying hands on his wife.

On the other hand, some fans were not very surprised because Daemon had been ambitious and power-hungry in the past. In their thinking, it was another step in his plan to get free from Rhea and move on with his ambitions. All in all, the scene left a mark among viewers and became one of the major talking points in the series.


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