
Why Did Lou Abandoned Will and His Mom? What Cause it?

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air is one of my favorite series now. I just love everything about the movie, plus my celebrity crush, Coco Jones is in it, i don’t have any choice but to love it.

There were a lot of unanswered questions in the movies, like why did Will’s father, Lou, leave his family? What really happened? There must be a good reason why Lou left Will and his wife. If you want to know that happened , then you’re in the right place, read through to find out.

Why Lou Abandoned Will and His Mom?

Lou had some valid reason for leaving Bel air. He committed a crime to got him to jail, and at that time the incident happened, Will was still very young, he was just a baby. When Lou searved his team prison and was released, he was full of regrets and was ashamed of his self, he didn’t know look his family in the face after he was released.

Added to this was also because Lou and Will’s mom were not in good team, that is also another factor that made Lou leave Bel Air. But the good thing is that, Lou realized his mistakes and has been trying any means possible to reach to Will and make things right.

How Lou’s Absence Affected Will’s Life

Our parent can have an enomous impact in our health , especially our mental health, we see that happen all the time. In the case of Will, it affected him greatly. You notice in the movie he felt angry and felt abandoned. There was a time he needed a father to talk and encourage him, but Lou was not there..

Sometimes he even thought if he was the reason why his father left, his made him had truest issue and he refused relying on people for anything, he just wanted to do everything for himself. it also affected his relationship with people, if you seen the series, then notice that he pushes people away and sometime he just acts up over little things.

it also affected his decision, he was always emotional and he always tries to prove himself even when it wasn’t necessary.

It also influenced his decisions, as he tried to prove himself or fill the void left by his father. Not having a father figure made Will search for guidance and support elsewhere, sometimes bringing him onto the wrong path and adding more problems to his life.


This is a key point in the show “Bel-Air,” as the year Will’s father, Lou, left town serves to define his journey for the rest of his life. It was because of the personal troubles he was going through at the time, like prison sentences and issues of guilt and inadequateness.

He believed that staying away from his son was better than being a lousy influence on him. However, the emotional scar left on Will by Lou’s absence was just too deep, and he faced some serious after-effects like trust issues, anger, and feelings of abandonment that always reflected in his relationships and choices.

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