
Do Jazz and Hilary Get Back Together?

I know this is one scene everybody want to see happen, even me included. I’m really a fan of Hilary and Jazz relationship, don’t get me wrong, its not like i hate Lamarcus Alton or something, it’s just that i think Hilary and Jazz are just the perfect match for each other. You can feel the chemistry between them, it’s so pure and real.

Its really sad that their relationship ended, i was expecting more from their relationship. But lets not entirely give up on them, there could be a chance that they’ll be back together again.

BEL-AIR -(Photo by: PEACOCK)

How Did Jazz and Hilary’s Relationship Begin?

My best couple in In “Bel-Air,” Jazz and Hilary started off as friends. Jazz had a crush on Hilary from the beginning. He kept showing up and supported her any chance he had and as time went on, Hilary starts to notice Jazz’s good qualities and that was when she began falling for him. They both began going out and with time they started dating.

I loved their relationship, i mean he is simple guy, not from a rich family, but Hilary was from a rich family, i just loved the combination. But the relationship didn’t last long. Jazz was been insecure i would say, he thought Hillary wasn’t his type, she was influential, her dad is rich and she even dated a superstar player. All of that was a lot for jazz to take brought. That problem between the two of them and They eventually broke up.

But we can see that they both still care for each other. The way Hilary was supporting jazz to make sure he didn’t loss his shop when he was down financially and how Jazz went out for Hilary many time, like when Lamarcus had a health condition and he brought snack for Hilary at the hospital.

Do Jazz and Hilary Get Back Together?

I’m not gonna lie, i loved the relationship between Jazz and Hilary, it gave me that chill , however, There is no clear answer given by the show, leaving room for developments in the future. For now, it’s hard to say with certainty if Jazz and Hilary will fully get back together or not. But personally , i don’t really see Jazz and Hilary coming back again, and the reason is because Hilary is already engaged to Lamarcus Alton, and she genuinely loves him.

We know she loves him because when Lamarcus had health problem and could not play, she was there for him, she even paused her career just to support him, and she has told her sister Ashley that she really loves Lamarcus, and i think she meant it. Jazz might not get her back again.

If you’ve seen the season 2 of the series, you’ll notice that they barely even see each other, they are both about their business, Hilary is always with Lamarcus and that has made her love him more, while about jazz is about protecting his business.

I know a lot of people will say Jazz and Hilary kissed, but that isn’t enough reason for us to conclude that they will end up together. The truth is, she has done a lot for Lamarcus, and she’s now greatly involved in the relationship, it will be hard for her to do otherwise.

Signs That Jazz and Hilary Might Get Back Together

Yeah i know I said that Jazz and Hilary might be get back together, but there might be a chance that they might, if you’ve seen the movie, then you’d agree with me. Look at the way they look at each other any time they run on each other, you can tell from their eyes that there is still love between them.

Also it so obvious that they miss each other and they’re jealous when any of them is with another partner. We saw this when Hilary’s dad was having an event, Jazz walked in with another girl and from the look on her face, you could tell she was jealous. It the same with Jazz too. When Lamarcus proposed to Hilary, you can see the jealousy on Jazz’s face

In one scene, they even kissed, now that means a lot. I know they both said the kiss didn’t mean anything, but we know that is not true, it meant a lot.

Another sign that they might might get back is the fact that they deeply care about each other. We have seen Hilary trying to help Jazz many time and Jazz too has done the same.

What Hilary and Jazz’s Reunion Would Mean for the Show

I’m telling you, that will be the highlight of the movie, i personally would love to see that happen, the reunion will have an impact on the show for sure. It will bring even more twist, drama and excitement to the storyline.

if there a reunion between the two of them, it will show that both of them have finally grown, and have learned from their mistake, it will even make their relationship stronger. It will add more depth to the story, and make the storyline better and more exciting.

Personally i think that if they ever come back together, that could bring some challenges to them, other character will react to it, which i think might lead to some conflict.

For example, Hilary’s family could get their say, and so might Jazz’s friends. It would even send a greater message about forgiveness and second chances in their getting back together-some things can be overcome, and happiness found together. It would also be a really positive, hopeful moment for the series.

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